Our goal and mission

Our Methods

Diagnostic evaluation, orientational counseling, consultation (individual, group or family), therapy (individual, group or family), personalized ambulant services and adventure therapy abroad.


Our mission

The goal of the Chance Program adventure therapy trip is for the participant children/young adults to have a realistic self image and participating families to be well-functioning by the time they return home after 1-3 months in Sri Lanka.

To give chance for children and adolescents having problems fitting in, or struggling with social norms.

We believe that there’s no hopeless situation, no ’ruined life’ when talking of children or teenagers.

It’s important to have professional help around families when no solution seems to work and the family is ready to give up hope.

With our personalized ambulant and adventure therapy methods, we wish to give families a new chance.


Our objective 

Chance Program gives chance for children and adolescents refusing social norms and expectations.

Exploration of risk and threat-factors, reduction of their influence and effect, to give solution patterns on how to avoid them, to strengthen protective factors and social competences, provide corrective experiences, establish psychic order, recreation and re-socialization, shaping a positive vision of future self.

Part or our objectives are keeping kids in the school system (through strengthening motivation to study, tutoring, remedial education) and representing them and their families towards educational- and other institutions.